In 2009, More Atlanta Pedestrians Killed After Dark than in Daylight Hours
It may not surprise you to learn that more Atlanta pedestrians are killed after dark than during the daylight hours.
In my Atlanta pedestrian lawyer blog, I have been looking at the statistics about the car wrecks we have around our city. Recently I have been looking at the facts about pedestrians who are run over by cars. Criminal deportation. Today I am going to discuss data from the National Highway and Traffic Administration's FARS (Fatality Analysis Reporting System) database, and focus on the time of day of the accidents that killed Atlanta pedestrians in 2009.
Pedestrians Killed in Daylight
Four Atlanta pedestrians were killed during daylight hours. The first pedestrian killed in the early afternoon at 1:38 p.m. at the intersection SR-237 and Lenox Rd. The accident took place on January 30, 2009.
The next afternoon accident happened at 5:41 p.m. on April 24, 2009, when a pedestrian was killed in a car accident at Metropolitan Pkwy. and Cleveland Ave.
While 6:33 p.m. is technically an evening hour, on August 15, 2009, it still would have been light out when a pedestrian died when a car hit him as he walked along I-75 in the Atlanta city limits.
On September 15, 2009, a pedestrian was struck and killed in mid-afternoon, at 2:46 p.m. The car-pedestrian accident happened at the intersection of Hobart Dr. and Vanderbilt Ct.
Pedestrians Killed at Night
By contrast, 9 of 13 of the Atlanta pedestrian deaths happened when a car struck and killed a pedestrian after dark, in the nighttime hours.
A March 4, 2009, car accident that claimed the life of a pedestrian happened at 9:26 p.m. at the intersection of Moreland Ave. / SR-42 and Sanders Ave. here in Atlanta.
Another March pedestrian accident, this one on March 16, 2009, happened in the evening at 9:23 p.m. along a stretch of I-85 running through Atlanta.
A third pedestrian was struck and killed in the early morning hours of March 21, 2009. The accident occurred at 1:25 a.m., as the Atlanta pedestrian walked along Boulevard.
The next Atlanta pedestrian wreck happened on March 27, 2009, again in the early evening. That accident took place at 8:26 p.m. at the intersection of Lee St. and York Ave.
The final pedestrian-car collision of March was also in the evening hours. A car hit a pedestrian walking along SR-400 in Atlanta at 10:30 p.m. on March 27, 2009.
Another pedestrian died as a result of a nighttime car wreck on July 18, 2009. The car accident happened at 10:49 p.m. on D.L. Hollowell Pkwy. (Donald Lee Hollowell Parkway).
On September 6, 2009, a car hit and killed a pedestrian shortly before midnight, at 11:54 p.m., at the corner of Atlanta's Boulevard and Cassanova St.
At the intersection of Cleveland Ave. and Browns Mill Rd., a pedestrian died after being run over by a car in the evening hours, at 9:40 p.m. The accident happened on September 10, 2009.
Fortunately, no pedestrians were killed in Atlanta in October, November or December 2009. However, one final pedestrian was killed in the month of September, on the 29th. The accident happened on Campbellton Rd. at 6:20 a.m. Since sunrise did not occur until 7:31 a.m., this wreck would have taken place before daylight arrived for the day.
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